clark newell


Original Clark Newell web development website

The first iteration of my personal website was created with an early version of Gatsby and a template from HTML5 UP.

Highlighted Projects

Version 3.0 of my personal website presents the following features:

  • Built with Gatsby, a frontend framework based on the opensource React library. Gatsby is a blazing-fast static site builder that comes out of the box with SEO and image handling. This UI stems from the default starter
  • Taking advantage of modern jamstack technology, the frontend is hosted by Netlify with CI/CD (Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment) via Github commits. Netlify also provides the honeypot and data transfer for the contact form
  • Custom backend and CMS (Content Management Studio) built with and hosted by
  • GraphQL is implemented to traverse the Gatsby and Sanity APIs
  • Sass, Styled Components, Typography.js, React Syntax Highlighter, and a custom responsive grid are implemented for CSS styling
  • Light and dark "star" modes are implemented with context and state management via React hooks, and the useDarkMode plugin. P.S. The dark "star" mode is meant to be a whimsical gimmick and does not represent my idea of a serious, functional dark mode 😉 ✨
  • Testing created with Jest
  • Accessbility audit performed with WAVE
  • This solo project features custom self-designed logo/branding and original blog content

Already in progress, the next iteration of my site will be rebuilt featuring an expanded portfolio and a more commercial feel and fuctionality.

Completed the entire Master-Gatsby course from Wes Bos and this is the resulting demo.

Completed the entire Udemy React course from Maximilian Schwarzmueller and this is the resulting demo.

Very first CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) application completed while at Galvanize using Vue.js.